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Hannah Smith
Frontend-Developer from New York

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My last project took about 3 months. I developed a web application for shoeworld.com using React and Shopify.

That sounds like a great project! Can you tell me more about your role in the development process?
I made sure that all product data was included and that the data was processed correctly using REST.

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What others are saying
Popular among more than 400 developers and innovative companies.

"The industry certainly needs innovative approaches like devpilot."

"Love the great work, this is surely a killing tool for us especially when team is doing their dev work with PMs."

"Finally, a way to find devs that can actually, you know, code. Résumés are so old-school. Show me the skills!"

"Devpilot is a fantastic initiative that optimizes the development process using AI, providing much-needed recognition to developers!"
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